Official Reports

A Forty Year Update of the National Advisory
Commission on Civil Disorders: Preliminary Findings
Locked in the Poorhouse: Cities, Race, and Poverty in the United States
Edited by Fred R. Harris & Alan Curtis
Report Summary
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Doing What Works to Reverse The Betrayal of American Democracy
In Commemoration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the National Advisory Commission On Civil Disorders
What Works: Cost Effective Investments in African American Men, Youth and Children, Testimony Before the Black Congressional Caucus
State of the African-American Male Conference, November 15, 2003

To Establish Justice, To Insure Domestic Tranquility:
A Thirty Year Update of the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence.

Youth Investment and Police Mentoring
Youth Investment and Police Mentoring reports on 12 years of Eisenhower Foundation replications of youth safe havens that are combined with police ministations at the same locations. Evaluations suggest that the concept is more effective than zero tolerance policing

Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: Final HUD Evaluation
Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: Final HUD Evaluation reports on the second generation of Eisenhower Foundation replications of youth safe havens that are combined with police ministations at the same locations.

Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: The Third Generation
Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: The Third Generation Evaluation reports on the third generation of Eisenhower Foundation replications of youth safe havens that are combined with police ministations at the same locations.

Quantum Opportunities Program: Principal Findings
Quantum Opportunities Program: Principal Findings Evaluation reports on the first generation of Eisenhower Foundation replications of Quantum Opportunities Program.

Replications of the South Bronx Argus Learning for Living Center
The Argus Community in the South Bronx is a national leader in "training first" (not "work first") employment for out-of-school youth and welfare clients. This volume summarizes evaluations of Argus and replications of Argus "training first" by the Eisenhower Foundation and others over a 10-year period.
Lessons from the Street: Capacity Building and Replication
Lessons from the Street: Capacity Building and Replication is based on street level experience helping grassroots organizations and partnerships build capacity. The primary focus is on community-police partnerships, based on experience with eighty-one nonprofit organizations in twenty-seven states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Youth Investment and Community Reconstruction: Street Lessons on Drugs and Crime for the Nineties
This 10th Anniversary report of the M.S. Eisenhower Foundation. At a time when the Western Nations have defeated communism, many are aware that this victory has not been accompanied by similarly effective domestic polices in the U.S. This report exams the state of affairs and suggests answers to many of the most pressing problems.

Waverly: Home of Lady Street Koban
An analysis of Growth, Decline and Renewal
The Waverly community of Columbia, SC was once a vibrant middle class African American neighborhood. When it fell on hard times; crime, drugs and prostitution became critical problems. This report looks at the impact that a Koban, sponsored by the Eisenhower Foundation, had on the community. While the positive impact was expected, the degree of improvement was quite striking.

Central House Youth Media Project: Assessment
The Eisenhower Foundation funded a youth media project, which resulted in two classes of freshmen at Ranier Beach High School, Seattle, critically examining the impact of the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) on students. They then produced a public service announcement video to communicate their findings to law makers. This report asseses the project.

Positive Youth Development: A Review Of The Research And Its Application to the Youth Safe Haven/Police Mini-Station Replication Programs
Submitted by Burton Cohen, PhD; Lisa Colby, MSW; and Neil A. Weiner, PhD

A Forty Year Update of the National Advisory
Commission on Civil Disorders: Preliminary Findings

Locked in the Poorhouse: Cities, Race, and Poverty in the United States
Edited by Fred R. Harris & Alan Curtis
Report Summary
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Doing What Works to Reverse The Betrayal of American Democracy
In Commemoration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the National Advisory Commission On Civil Disorders

What Works: Cost Effective Investments in African American Men, Youth and Children, Testimony Before the Black Congressional Caucus
State of the African-American Male Conference, November 15, 2003

To Establish Justice, To Insure Domestic Tranquility:
A Thirty Year Update of the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence.

Youth Investment and Police Mentoring
Youth Investment and Police Mentoring reports on 12 years of Eisenhower Foundation replications of youth safe havens that are combined with police ministations at the same locations. Evaluations suggest that the concept is more effective than zero tolerance policing

Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: Final HUD Evaluation
Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: Final HUD Evaluation reports on the second generation of Eisenhower Foundation replications of youth safe havens that are combined with police ministations at the same locations.

Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: The Third Generation
Youth Investment and Police Mentoring: The Third Generation Evaluation reports on the third generation of Eisenhower Foundation replications of youth safe havens that are combined with police ministations at the same locations.

Quantum Opportunities Program: Principal Findings
Quantum Opportunities Program: Principal Findings Evaluation reports on the first generation of Eisenhower Foundation replications of Quantum Opportunities Program.

Replications of the South Bronx Argus Learning for Living Center
The Argus Community in the South Bronx is a national leader in "training first" (not "work first") employment for out-of-school youth and welfare clients. This volume summarizes evaluations of Argus and replications of Argus "training first" by the Eisenhower Foundation and others over a 10-year period.

Lessons from the Street: Capacity Building and Replication
Lessons from the Street: Capacity Building and Replication is based on street level experience helping grassroots organizations and partnerships build capacity. The primary focus is on community-police partnerships, based on experience with eighty-one nonprofit organizations in twenty-seven states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

Youth Investment and Community Reconstruction: Street Lessons on Drugs and Crime for the Nineties
This 10th Anniversary report of the M.S. Eisenhower Foundation. At a time when the Western Nations have defeated communism, many are aware that this victory has not been accompanied by similarly effective domestic polices in the U.S. This report exams the state of affairs and suggests answers to many of the most pressing problems.

Waverly: Home of Lady Street Koban
An analysis of Growth, Decline and Renewal
The Waverly community of Columbia, SC was once a vibrant middle class African American neighborhood. When it fell on hard times; crime, drugs and prostitution became critical problems. This report looks at the impact that a Koban, sponsored by the Eisenhower Foundation, had on the community. While the positive impact was expected, the degree of improvement was quite striking.

Central House Youth Media Project: Assessment
The Eisenhower Foundation funded a youth media project, which resulted in two classes of freshmen at Ranier Beach High School, Seattle, critically examining the impact of the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) on students. They then produced a public service announcement video to communicate their findings to law makers. This report asseses the project.

Positive Youth Development: A Review Of The Research And Its Application to the Youth Safe Haven/Police Mini-Station Replication Programs
Submitted by Burton Cohen, PhD; Lisa Colby, MSW; and Neil A. Weiner, PhD