Argus Education and Job Training
The Argus Learning for Living Center model is a comprehensive and interdependent program offering on-site remedial education, high school and GED education, life management training, conflict resolution training, economic self sufficiency skills, job training and work placement. The core Argus philosophy holds that:• There are no short-cuts or simple solutions. Turning at-risk youth around requires sufficient time and resources. No program will work unless it addresses drugs and violence. These foster a sense of insecurity in adolescents and must not be tolerated in program activity.There must be development of structure and a value system. Inner-city youth must be deliberately guided into the mainstream, including areas
The Argus program has three major components :
1) Socialization, youth development and value change in a drug-free and
violence-free treatment environment.
2) On-site education and remedial education.
3) Job training, placement and retention.
Watch a video on the Argus Learning for Living Pogram
The Eisenhower Foundation is currently replicating the model for youth in the following locations:
To better serve youth in need of job training and placement, the Foundation has reviewed best practices around the country. Click here to read the report.