Lessons from the Street:
Capacity Building and Replication

We know how to build the capacity of the grassroots nonprofit organizations that are responsible for much of What Works. And we know how to replicate their programs. Specifics on capacity building and replication are found under these headings:

Executive Summary: Top Ten Lessons and Recommendations

Chapter 1: Policy Framework

Chapter 2: Qualities of Success

Chapter 3: A Model for Change

Chapter 4: Technical Assistance Inputs

Chapter 5: Consequent Knowledge, Skills, Action and Outcomes

Chapter 6: Lessons for Capacity Building Technical Assistance

Chapter 7: Lessons for Replication

Chapter 8: Where Are We Going?

Chapter Notes


Appendix 1: Nonprofit Grassroots Organizations That Received Foundation Technical Assistance And Training, 1990-2000

Appendix 2: Needs Assessment Questions

Appendix 3: Excerpts from A Practice News Conference At The Foundation's Television School

Appendix 4: Excerpts from One-on-One Television School Follow-Up Training

Appendix 5: Excerpts from the Argus Replication Training Video

Appendix 6: Transcript of A Replication Training Video Based On

For more information on these lessons on capacity building and replication, see Contacts. Also see the web sites of these organizations: Annie E. Casey Foundation, Center for Community Change, Development Training Institute, DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, Enterprise Foundation, Ford Foundation, Fund for the City of New York, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, National Congress for Community Economic Development, National Network for Youth, the Support Center and Youth Today.

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