Positive Youth Development: A Review Of The Research And Its Application To The Milton S. Eisenhower's Youth Safe Haven/Police Mini-Station Replication ProgramsEXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe service components of the Youth Safe Haven/Mini-Police Station programs are based largely on a theoretical framework known as Positive Youth Development, which focuses on the developmental needs of youth and building the assets that are required in order to make a successful transition to adulthood. This paper provides an overview of positive youth development theory and shows how it is related to major features or strategies that serve as a foundation for effective programs. As identified by the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine, these features include the following
The paper identifies eighteen programs that contain one or more of these features and have been shown to be effective based on rigorous evaluations. Based on these effective programs, advice is provided for Safe Havens program staff on the recommended “dosage” for the six main categories of services found in Safe Havens programs. The recommended levels are as follows:
Finally, the paper provides some advice to Safe Havens staff in applying and implementing the positive youth development framework to meet the conditions of their individual program sites.
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